
KAKN radio tower on a beautiful BLUE sky day!

In November Dary and Anna came to visit us! It was a lot of fun to have friends come visit! In September we had both of our moms come visit as well! Great times :) (not sure why this pic is small and blurry)

Jeremy with the plane he flew quite a bit. He was a happy camper! He's having quite the withdrawals here in Colorado, especially when he sees planes flying on clear days (which are many)

A couple days before we left we had a Thanksgiving dinner over at South Naknek. Every Sunday there would be a service over there as well as in Naknek. It made for a fun, BUSY day! :)
Left to right: Brian Davidson (station manager), Pastor Jeff , daughter Hope, wife Jane, daughter Abby and us.

This was the sad morning of our departure. We had quite the goodbye crew! We felt so loved! It was so sad to say goodbye and we wish everyone a lot! Looking at these pictures are bittersweet.

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