
Another one of Alaska's wildlife. He was pretty friendly and I should have had a carrot, but chances are he probably didn't even know what a carrot was.

Naknek's beautiful scenery.

On a 4-wheeler ride collecting rocks from the beach to use in front of the radio station for decoration. We got about 3/4th of done. I'm pretty sure it might stay that way for quite some time. :)

"Picking Fish"- Naknek is home the largest sockeye salmon run in the world and fishing in the summer is a HUGE thing there. There are 100's of fishing boats out on the water in June and July. Subsistance fishing is also big there as well, and almost every family puts a net out to catch salmon for their family. This is the Swanson's net. It was fun to go down to the beach and help every once in a while.

See all the fishing boats out there?

Our backyard- alder bushes, lots of "bouncy" tundra and some lakes or ponds. In the summer time there are wild blueberries and cranberries that grow out there.

An aerial view of one of the canneries.

The beach looking at the Naknek River and Peter Pan cannery.

And a look out how spendy things are! If you live in Naknek, chances are you wouldn't shop here for everything you need. Everyone barges food in, orders food in Anchorage and has it shipped there, flies to Anchorage, orders produce through fullcirclefarms.com, etc.........or all of the above! :)

Hilltop Christian Fellowship, the church that Jeremy had the first half of his internship at. What a great church family! I had the privelege of helping teach Sunday School. It was sad to say goodbye to "my" kids.

Besides being at the Naknek church and flying over to South Naknek, Jeremy did several trips in the Cessna, flying a Baptist pastor to a village called "Ekwok." If you think that name is strange try Egegik, Igiugik, New Stuyahok, Illiamna, Chignik..................... :)
It was really neat to see the unity in Naknek. As "visitors/new comers" it seemed that the churches really worked well together. And here Jeremy was going to a Free Lutheran Seminary, but flying a Baptist pastor around. What a blessing.

Ok. Think of the friendliest people you know. Got it? Sorry, you're wrong. Here are some of the friendliest people I know! This is half of the Sherman "tribe", a wonderful Christian family we had the privelage to meet. (left to right: Maica (pronounced like Micah), Eseta (mom), and Aniva.

And this is their coffee shop "The Heart of the Shire." We visited their a lot, for the coffee yes, but also for their wonderful fellowship! The give great hugs too! Shermans, we miss you!!!

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