
Painting Party

Our blog updates this time are a "little different". :-D I recently started writing articles for the facebook page of the WMF (Women's Group of our denomination) and below are a few of those; which also gives a good update from the last few months.

A few weeks ago we had a work team come up from North Dakota, and one from Fergus Falls (MN). Their goal was to get the new roofing put up on the South Naknek church, and hopefully be able to do some other projects that needed done. One of them was priming and painting a portion of the church as well as the steeple, but unfortunately the weather didn’t allow it.
So, this Monday, Jeff and Jane Swanson and our family flew over to get it done. If you Midwesterners think you have it bad with the mosquitoes you should come have fun with the “no-see-ums” when there’s no wind blowing! The first hour was horrible, but praise the Lord for bug nets to put over our heads!
As we were painting the church white, Pastor Jeff made the comment, “There’s nothing better than a brand new bucket of fresh, white paint.” Jeremy said, “It reminds me of a milkshake.” As I was painting the steeple (on the ground!), I began thinking about it some more. I thought, “Sure, it’s white initially, but right now as I’m looking in my bucket I am seeing a lot of tiny black dots.” As I was painting, there were hundreds of no-see-ums landing on the fresh coat of paint. Later on I began thinking a bit deeper about it, and I thought of sin... Isn’t sin just like that? Everything can seem well and good. We might have everything “just almost” put together. But what about those little black spots here and there? Even just the smallest thing can cause plenty of trouble! Just like those bugs! Boy, were they trouble!
Thankfully, as believers, our sin was washed as white as that pure, white paint!

‘“Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” Isaiah 1:18 (ESV)

God and the Blueberries

When are times when you feel close to God? In church? While listening to worship music? Reading the Bible? Perhaps it’s something completely different. That was my experience this past week. Here in Naknek the blueberries are ready for picking. Malachi and I have been going out when we have the chance and the bugs aren’t in full force. One day while we were out picking, I was reminded how God was right there and He loves to provide for His children even in simple things as blueberries. Let me paint just a small picture of the Naknek way of picking berries.
All of the berries that grow here, grow right in the tundra. Tundra is everywhere. Where there isn’t gravel/dirt or grass, there is most likely tundra. Malachi and I went out in our “backyard” and tromped through our tall grass in the back to get to the tundra. Stepping onto it, it’s slightly spongy, lots of small plants and bumpy terrain. But it smells so good. Almost like different kinds of “herbs”, but hard to explain. In August, if the spring and summer weather was right, there are blueberries ready to be picked. They are all low to the ground and don’t grow on bigger bushes like the “lower 48”. They are also a little harder to find, because you have to get down lower since they sometimes hide and are a little smaller than “regular” blueberries. Most of the tundra plants are green, but they all look different and have different shades of green. It’s all beautiful, but the blue of the blueberries and the red of the cranberries that are starting to come (in a month or so) is pretty spectacular. For some reason, I felt like God was right there and I was thinking, “When people years ago depended on “living off the land”, they must have been so thankful. And I’m just excited to be able to eat these! Thank you God!”

Don’t even get my started on the colors of the tundra in the fall…Come on up and find out for yourself! :)

A Different Lifestyle

*This is the most current article*
Things are done a bit differently here in “the Bush”. We’re getting ready for a busy, exciting next couple of weeks. In fact, in just a few days we’re going to be having our “District” Youth Rally here in Naknek. I say “district”, because that’s a familiar term for us AFLC-ers, but maybe I should say Bristol Bay and Beyond Youth Retreat or something! :) Things are done a bit differently here. This Friday, if you are thinking of us, please pray for this retreat! Not only will we have about 30 kids from this area, but there will be several flights, using several different aircraft; flying to at least 5 villages. (Last year we had 80 youth; more than half of which were “non-locals”!) We have been so blessed the last few year with good weather for flying and even decent weather last year to have a beach bonfire. Please pray for good weather that weekend. Also, many of the youth who attend are not church goers and even some come from villages that are pretty closed off to Christians. There are many villages in AK that have a strong Russian Orthodox pull. Pray that the things they hear will “stick.” Pray for food planning and prep to go smoothly. Also, that God would give the chaperones/leaders the words to say and ways to reach out to them.
Immediately following the Retreat, our family heads down to Washington for a month. Jeremy and two Mission Aviation Training Academy (MATA) will be flying the Cherokee 6 from Anchorage to WA. Prayers for safety and smooth border crossing is appreciated. The Cherokee 6 engine will be getting an engine overhaul and other things worked on it. The engine will actually be sent to ND. Things are done a little differently here. 

Serving the Lord with gladness,