
Happy Spring!

Could Spring really be here? We’re not sure…after all, snow has fallen from the sky at least 6 days out of this month. But things are trying to bud, the grass has spots of green, the coffee shop that opens for the “Summer” had some eager customers on opening day. Sometimes in Alaska it seems that we sort of skip Spring altogether or that Summer IS Spring, so what’s the difference? However, even signs of Summer are already here. There are many new, unfamiliar faces “roaming” around town getting ready for the Cannaries to open and fishing to start. There’s even been talk of a bear sighting or two. It’s been warm enough to bundle the little boy up to go for walks.

Our winter continued to go by with not too much “news-worthy” action. Malachi and I spent quite a bit of time at home as it continued to be fairly chilly. His naps have become a little longer. He now sleeps for at least an hour and ½ at one time, where before it was a long nap if he slept an hour. It gives mommy some time to clean, relax, etc while he takes a good “toddler” length nap. (yesterday he took a nap almost three hours long!) He continues to grow, grow, grow. He’s by no means chunky, but he keeps getting longer/taller and his face is definitely loosing it’s baby look. (which is a sad thing) But he’s become a lot of fun! He’s super hammy and is constantly making us laugh. He gives great kisses and has even learned to hug recently. He lovesss to eat and sometimes I wonder if he’s a preschooler rather than just a one year old. He has 6 teeth and had his first haircut on his Birthday. Oh! His Birthday. Yes, he’s one. On April 26th, we celebrated his Birthday with his Grandparents! (will talk more about these things later)

Jeremy was quite busy fixing cars and vans and trucks and planes and…. No. Really. Winter was hard on the vehicles. Thankfully, nothing went wrong with the planes. But he did do the Annual Inspections on both the Cessna 175 (4-seater) and the Cherokee 6 (6-seater). I think he enjoys being an airplane mechanic much more. He’s also been able to do some flying as well. (Summer is the busiest flying time.) He’s been helping out here at the radio station. For about a year, maybe longer, they’ve been doing “KAKN Live” on Monday mornings where Pastor Jeff, Bob Lee (our station manager) and Jeremy host a Bible Study on the radio.

Because February and March weren’t too excited we’ll skip ahead to April…

On the 18th, we met my parents in Anchorage for a few days. It was so great to see them again! The first night we headed out to Big Lake (about an hour or so drive from Anchorage) and stayed at a HUGE cabin right next to a creek/stream where moose like to hang out. The next couple of days were spent shopping, shopping, shopping in Anc………oh and taking turns getting a yucky flu. Poor little Malachi got it first :( and we thank him for giving it to all of us. Thankfully, we all took turns, so when I was sick, Jer would take care of him and mom too. It was a life savor to have them around!

We headed back here to Naknek with them and spent time touring around, walking on the beach, spotting beluga whales, playing with Malachi, doing some projects around the house and celebrating M’s FIRST Birthday! We had a party for him with several church friends. We had a Barnyard/animal theme.

A few days after my parents left, we actually headed back to Anchorage. This time we flew in the Cherokee 6, rather than commercially. We took our great friends, Jim and Marissa and son Dawson with us. Jim is a pilot as well and both him and Jeremy had a conference/class they needed to attend for a renewal. So, while they sat in class all day on Saturday and Sunday, Marissa and I got to do FUN shopping. This is a big deal, believe me. Usually, Anchorage trips include Sam’s Club/ Costco, Wal-mart and maybe one fun store if we’re lucky. :) We enjoyed spending time together and Malachi is such a trooper wherever we take him. I think he probably loves the over-stimulation he gets when we are out of town.

We look forward to next month when we’ll be headed to Minnesota for the AFLC’s Annual Conference. We’ll be giving a presentation while we’re there, so we appreciate your prayers. (as we always do) It will be good to see friends we haven’t seen in a while and have Malachi meet MN.

God Bless you!

P.S. As there are many pictures of Malachi that are “way too cute“, and it takes too long to upload pictures here are several links if you want to see pictures. (All the links are from facebook)